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Tag Archives: Muslim
Link Between Catholicism & Islam
Professor Veith gives exquisite lectures. His lectures deserve multiple listenings because they are so packed with facts. It is like trying to take a sip of water from a rushing roaring fire hydrant.
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Tagged Allah, Islam, Mecca, Mohammed Mustafa, Muhammed, Muslim, Pagan, Paganism, Pilgramage, Roman, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic Church, Rome
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World War III
Rense & Icke: Pike’s Satanic 3rd World War
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Tagged America, Armageddon, banking, cabal, China, economic collapse, Egypt, Esau, eugenics, flexible thinking, genocide, government, Iran, Iraq, Ishmael, Islam, Israel, Jeff Rense, Jewish, Jews, Jihad, Luciferian, Luciferianism, media, Muslim, power, protocols of the Elders of Zion, revolution, Rhodes, Rhodes scholars, Rochschild zionism, secret society, Steve Ickes, the sons of Esau, the sons of Ishmael, The Third World War, World War III, world wide economic collapse, WWIII, Zion, Zionism, Zionist Congress
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Islam is the Lesser of Two Evils: Rothschild zionism (lower case) Being the Real Enemy
Colonel West is right: We need to know our enemy, but I do not think the freshman Congressman and war hero realizes who our enemies (plural) really are. I’m not so certain that any religion is “our enemy.” Certainly, there … Continue reading
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Tagged Allen West, Col Allen West, College of Cardinals, Ishmael, Islam, Israel, Jesuit, Jew, Jewish, Jews, Jihad, Ltc Allen Est, Muslim, Roman Catholic, Rothschild zionism, Sura, the Jesuits, the Pope, the sons of Esau, the sons of Ishmael, Vatican, Zionism
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Islam: Global Jihad and World Conquest
Courtesy of Jake’s Corner Black via Jon Rambo on FaceBook Islam: Global Jihad and World Conquest Former Jordanian Minister Ali Al-Faqir Vows to Conquer Spain and Rome and Declares: America and the EU Will Soon Come to an End Listen carefully. Take … Continue reading
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Tagged Afghanistan, Al-Jazeera, America, America will soon come to an end, Andalusia, Chechnya, Constantinople, EU, European Union, fighting words, former Jordanian Minister, Gaza, Global Jihad, Hamas, Islam, Islamic, Israel, Istanbul, Jihad, Jordan, Jordan River, Mediterranean Sea, MEMRI TV, Minister of Religious Endowment, Muslim, Palestine, Pharoah, Rome, Sheik Ali Al-Faqir, SPain, the religion of deception, the religion of peace, United States, USSR, world conquest, Zionism
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