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Tag Archives: Jeff Rense
Rense & Dean Gotcher – The Dialectic Process Defined
This combined process of dialectic and praxis is a highly speculative way of behaving, thinking, and acting. It depends on an attitude of compromise by all participants on a general social issue producing tolerance toward ambiguity. It seeks a collaborative … Continue reading
Posted in Negative Projective Psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Tagged annihilation, antithesis, belief actions dichotomy, brainwashing, cognitive dissonance, consensus, Delphi Program, Dialectic, dialectic process, dialogue, feelings, group dynamics environment, groupthink, Jeff Rense, majority report, Marx, mind control, negation, paradigm shift, Robert's Rules of Order, sense perception, synthesis, thesis
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World War III
Rense & Icke: Pike’s Satanic 3rd World War
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Tagged America, Armageddon, banking, cabal, China, economic collapse, Egypt, Esau, eugenics, flexible thinking, genocide, government, Iran, Iraq, Ishmael, Islam, Israel, Jeff Rense, Jewish, Jews, Jihad, Luciferian, Luciferianism, media, Muslim, power, protocols of the Elders of Zion, revolution, Rhodes, Rhodes scholars, Rochschild zionism, secret society, Steve Ickes, the sons of Esau, the sons of Ishmael, The Third World War, World War III, world wide economic collapse, WWIII, Zion, Zionism, Zionist Congress
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