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Tag Archives: illegal drugs
Bill Schnoebelen on The Medical Conspiracy
Courtesy of David Palmisano FaceBook: Bill Schnoebelen – The Medical Conspiracy Great common sense approach! Excellent historical summary of the early church and medicine!
Posted in Positive Projective Psychology, Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Tagged ACE inhibitors, advertising, alchemist, allopaths, allopathy, AMA, angina, anit-biotics, aspirin, atomists, Augustine, B-1, B-6, B1, B6, bathing, Bible, Bill Schnoebelen, bleeding, Buspar, calcium, Calcium channel blockers, cancer, cardiac disease, Carnegie, Catholic, cayenne pepper, Centrum Vitamins, chemical medicine, chemotherapy, Cipro, CoQ10, crude oil, doctored to death, drug lobby, drug war, drugs are toxic, eclectics, Eli Lilly, emergency room, emetic, enema, Enrichment Act, FDA, FDA forces prices up, fever, fraud, garbage, generic, generics, George Washington, Greece, Greek, heart valves, herbal, herbalism, herbalist, Hippocratic Oath, homeopathy, hydrogenate, I.G. Farben, illegal drugs, Illuminati, influence, injections, interactions, iron, Iron Triangle, John D. Rockefeller, leeches, live vaccines, lobelia, magnesium, malnutrition, Medical Model, medical schools, melatonin, Merck, mercury, mercury plasters, mitochondria, mortality, multi-level marketing, NIH, nitroglycerine, nutritionally inert, occultist, One-a-Day Vitamins, Pagan Rome, Paracelsus, patent medicines, PDR, penicillin, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals. mercury, Philippus Theostratus Bombastus von Hohenheim, plague, poison, Pope, potassium, prescription drugs, profit, Prophecy Club, Prozac, puke, Quacks, Quicks, quicksilver, research and development, revolving door, Rome, Samuel Thompson, sanitation, side effects, sodium, St. Augustine, St. Benedict, St. Thomas, steel roller mill, sublethal doses, syphillis, tax dollars, The Golden Rule, the Medical Conspiracy, The Prophecy Club, toxic medicines, toxic solvents, triage, turning waste products into medicine, vitalism, vitamin D, white flour, white sugar, Wonder Bread, Xanax, zinc deficiency
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