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Tag Archives: chipping of the teeth
Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water
Folks, I’m not giving up on the fluoridation of our water and the poisoning of our people until they* stop doing it.
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare
Tagged .25 mg fluoride, .6 of one tooth's surface, 1955, 55, absence of harm, absence of study, adding arsenic to the water supply, adequate margin of safety, air pollutant, Alcoa, Alex Jones, aluminum industry, Alzheimer's, arsenic, artificially set too high, Atlanta, baby formula, Bason, behavioral disorders, behavioral problems, benefits outweight the risks, betrayal of public trust, betrayal of the public trust, biased studies, birth defects, black children, blacks, bone, bone cancer, bone fractures, bottled water, brain, brain tumor, brain tumors, brains, breast cancer, breast feeding, breast milk, calcium, can't control the dose, cancer, Cancer Causes and Control, cancers, carcinogen, CDC, Center for Disease Control, Chester Douglas, Chester Goddeau Douglas, China, chipping of the teeth, chldren with poor diets are more vulnerable to fluoride's toxic effects, Coca-Cola, collusion, conflict of interest, conspiracy to inject plutonium, contaminants, cover up, Delaware, dental fluorosis, Department of Health and Human Services, diabetes, diminished IQ, distrust health agencies, don't swallow this water, Dr. Paul Connett, early menstruation, end water fluoridation, engineering consent, EPA, EPA Administration, EPA Scientists, euthenasia, extract uranium, fatal, fatalities, FDA, FDA does not regulate fluoride, FDA warning, fertilizer, fetus, fissionable uranium, fluoridation, fluoride, fluoride damage to agriculture, fluorosilicic acid, fluorosis, forced medication, fraud, free of fluoride, Harold Hodge, Harvard, hazardous waste, hazardous waste material, health effects on children, health problems, health risk assessment, heart disease, hexafluorosilicic acid, hip fracture, honest science, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Hypothyroidism Type II, increased hip fracture, indentations, India, informed consent, injecting organic mercury into a baby's bloodstream, iodine, IQ, Iran, kidney, kidneys, lack of informed consent, lactose intolerance, lawsuits from fluoride, lead, less than one part per million, less trust, lithium, low calcium intake, low income families, melatonin, menstruating, menstruating earlier, mental retardation, mercury, metabolic disorders, Mexico, Monty Python, National Research Council, Nazi's, neurotoxic, New Jersey, Newberg, Newburg-Kingston Trial, non-fissionable uranium, NRC, nuclear industry, nursery water, NY, one glass of water, one part per million is safe, organic mercury, osteosarcoma, over exposed to fluoride, overexposed to fluoride, paid scientists, peach orchards, pineal, pineal gland, plutonium, poison, poison control center, political reasons, Professor Paul Connett, puberty, public policy, public relations expert Edward Bernays, radioactive, radioactive isotopes, regulate fluoridated water, reverse osmosis, risk benefit, sacred policy of fluoridation, safe drinking water standard, sex hormones, solvents, spearation between honest sceince and public policy, statins, sugar lobby, suicide, systemic, systemic fluoride, tap water, teeth, terminal patients. NAZI's, the Manhattan Project, thimersal, thyroid, thyroid glands, tooth decay, tooth paste, topical, topical benefit, topical fluoride, trust, TV commercial, unethical, waiting for a study, warning to parents not to used fuoridated water in baby formula, water supply used to distribute medication, wet scrubber, wet scrubbers
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