From the outset allow me declare in part the damages caused to me by the Arizona Department of Corrections and the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners as well as other parts of the government of the State of Arizona. I do not write this lightly nor is this inclusive. Aside from losing my home and permanently impacting my credit rating and being deprived of the ability to support myself, to work as a psychologist and in general enjoy my professional work life, my health and well-being have been severely impacted.
The Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners acting as an enforcer for the Arizona Department of Corrections has been used against me unethically and illegally in “retaliation” against me. The Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners has contributed towards at least one of my heart attacks and several of my strokes and ultimately, the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners has shortened my life.
In a nutshell, the State of Arizona has contributed most directly towards my early demise, my death. And because of this, I write uninhibited, without care of impressing anyone: my time on this earth has been further limited. The State of Arizona owes me more than the humble existence to which it has reduced me. Be advised this story is compelling and disturbing.