Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor

Courtesy of  Rowena Molluso FaceBook:

A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

“Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

In other words, it’s not their fault. (That statement sounds suspiciously liberal to me.)

So certain licentious libs at the Nevada Politics Facebook page don’t owe me an apology after all? I can’t even blame their incivility and rudeness on poor parenting? Darn it.

Understand, I am a constitutional conservative, with hundreds of liberal friends and family. I love my now-apparently-crazy lib friends and fam. Most of them still love and respect me, despite my strongly-held conservative views. A few won’t talk to me and call me “a kook,” but I’m cool with that.

What I’m not cool with is behavior that clearly looks like liberal lunacy to me… behavior that I previously just chalked up to lousy parenting, pure ignorance or perhaps a shortage of oxygen in utero. I never imagined the craziness I witness daily on the left might actually be certifiable by professionals.

Here’s an example. Just because I’m a constitutional conservative, liberals love to libel me: they deign to know what I think, feel and believe. Newsflash to libs: I don’t share every single belief held by every single person on the right, just as most bible-carrying, pew-kneeling, rosary-bead-praying Catholics don’t buy every single tenant of their religion, especially the parts that say you’ll go to Hell if you get a divorce or an abortion.

At least I know I’m not insane: I know the futility of engaging or entering into discussions, debates and mudslinging about incendiary topics that inflame both sides of the aisle, like: abortion, gay marriage, gays in the miltary, Obama’s birth certificate, Obama’s religion, Obama’s choice of pastor, Obama’s friends, prayer in schools, prayers in Congress, memorial crosses on public lands, and, of course, the so-called “truth” about 9/11. (This is an abbreviated list, of course.)

Life’s too short, and libs just act too crazy about this stuff. Instead, I prefer to focus on the most important tenant of constitutional conservatism: reducing the size, power and cost of a centralized federal government, while returning power, money and liberty to the states and We, the People.)

That being said, before Dr. Rossiter’s press release hit the AP, I suspected liberalism might be a disease, like insanity. Why else would so many libs act so ka-ray-zee? (Not all, my lovely lib family and friends. Not all!)

For example, on the Nevada Politics Facebook page this week, I mentioned I lean to the right, and BAM! I was immediately (and repeatedly) accused of being: stupid, a Nazi, a no-nothing (as in, I know nothing), a “BIRFER,” a friend of the uber-wealthy, a sheep for corporate tools, an advocate of child labor and 60-hour work weeks, a moron, a freaky teabagger, an idiot, a pro-nuke bagger and finally, “an extremist tea bagger writing revisionist history and scapegoting regular working people.”

Nothing I wrote in any previous discussion, nor anywhere on the net, could lead a sane person to deduce and declare those things about me. They were pure fiction, fantasy and fallacy, violently spewed forth like projectile vomit by several liberals at Nevada Politics, including one particularly decidedly vile, ungentlemanly-man, whose parents aptly named him “Dick.”

I’m sure my final attempt at humor (and logic) perturbed him. “If conservatives are ‘Teabaggers,’ then liberals are our ‘Teabaggees’… which means we’ve got you by the balls, Dick.”

Thank you, Dr. Rossiter, for positing that liberalism is a mental disorder. I couldn’t agree more.

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One Response to Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor

  1. Dr. Kent says:

    One of the craziest aspects of Leftist Statists is that they think they have a choice when in fact they have none! They are stuck with that horrid thinking and never “think for themselves!”

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