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Monthly Archives: January 2012
Ron Paul almost has it right. The CIA is owned by the Vatican! “There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military. They’re the ones who are over there … Continue reading
US Consulate Whistleblower – 911 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA
THANKS TO: Uploaded by TheSecretStore on Sep 11, 2011 Mike Springman- The former head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia blows the whistle on the 9/11 hijackers. Springman went public (after internal efforts failed) to expose the … Continue reading
The C.I.A. Busted For Dealing Drugs To Americans
Uploaded by thementalpatient2005 on Aug 14, 2009 Fox news still has mark furman and oliver north on their payroll. Be careful to filter out the truths, lies, and propaganda put forth on fox news. They operate like lucifer in the … Continue reading
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, United States Constitution
Tagged Amadeaus, CIA, drugs, Pegasus, Watchtower
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CIA Agent Says War Is Eugenics & Drug War Is Fake
“I think we can have a peaceful, non-violent, legal revolution.” Recall movements Refusing to buy products War is a racket. Robert Steele, former CIA explains war is eugenics, drug wars are fake and Cannabis should be legal.
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, United States Constitution
Tagged drugs, eugenics, genocide, wars
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Congressmen Allen West & Connie Mack on Glenn Beck (March 9, 2011)
Junior Tea Party Congressman Allen West makes a huge confession: “ . . . the President is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of this corporation called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” Confession at 4:50 in video: March 9, 2011) U.S. … Continue reading
Eustace Mullins explains connection between the NAtional socialists and ZIonists. The result is a NAZI Party which rules the world today…. Eustace Mullins in Salmon Arm BC, Canada, August 2000.
Hidden ORIGINAL 13th Amendment , 1812, Real Evidence
Proof by Certification by State Archives of N.H. that in 1812, at least 6 states had ratified the ANTI-LAWYER Amendment. Basically preventing anyone who had a BAR membership, accepted a title of Nobility form foreign King, Prince, Power from even … Continue reading
Ron Paul – Watch this presentation to see why so many people are endorsing Ron Paul for President
Please endorse Ron Paul ( and donate to Endorse Liberty ( so we can buy advertising and make more videos like this. Endorse Liberty is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Just How Corrupt Will The United States Voting System Be In 2012?
WHY I AM NOT VOTING: ** SCYTL (In Spain) ** SCYTL Acquires SOE Software, Becoming the Leading Election Software Provider… (Tampa, hub for 900 locations before reporting) BALDERTON CAPITOL (U.K.) – *** Only Investor … Continue reading
At 1:45 it gets VERY INTERESTING! Dr. Kent Uploaded by jagbodhi on Jan 17, 2012 An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. … Continue reading
Posted in One World Government, Psychosociopolitical Warfare, United States Constitution
Tagged $1.2 Million, 9/11, Afghanistan, alien, aliens, anti-personnel, Area 51, ascention, asymetrical warfare, awake, Bill Wood, Bin Laden, C4, CERN, CERNE, CIA, cluster bomb, cluster bombs, convergence, cruise missile, deluded, delusion, destex, drone, drones, False Flag, False Flag event, Fast Forward, from the future, fully awake, Gulf War, hard targets, Hillary Clinton will be President in 2012, Illuminati, Indigo, insane, insanity, interplanetary travel, Iran, Iraq, Kerry Cassidy, Libya, life read, Looking Glass, Los Angeles Class submarine, major global catastrophe, Malibu, Middle East, military industrial complex, Navy SEAL, Navy Seals, NDAA, NDDA, Oath Keepers, Osama Bid Laden, overkill, Project Camelot, psyops, remote viewer, Saudia Arabia, Seal, Seal Team 6, Seal Team 9, Seal Team Six, Seals, Security Oath, soft targets, string theory, Syria, the game is over, time line convergence, time line one, time line two, Tomohawk, tomohawk missiles, transition, underground, underground bases, underground cities, Yellow Book, Yellow Box, Yellow Cube, Yemen
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